Sermon Outline for Reflection
I. Introduction
a) Spiritual Warfare Intensifying
b) Warfare Attacking Your Faith
II. Extinguish ALL Arrows with the Shield of Faith
a) The Strength of the Lord in the Application of His Truth
b) Battles Against Fear, Doubt, and, Unbelief
III. Receive the Helmet of Salvation
a) Know with Certainty God’s Deliverance is For You
b) Battles Against Discouragement & Hopelessness
IV. Advance with the Sword of the Spirit
a) Advance with the Spirit’s Specific Word
b) Keep in the Teaching and Memorization of God’s Word
Growing Deeper in Reflection
1. How did today’s message speak specifically to you?
2. What fiery arrow(s) are targeted against you? How will you do to defend yourself?
3. A great detail of our spiritual battles starts in the mind. How will you train your mind for such
battles (e.g., recognizing God’s voice & thoughts vs. other voices & thoughts)
4. Read Psalm 119:105 & Hebrews 4:12. What is God saying to you through these verses?
Fighting the Spiritual Battle "Together" in Christ,
Pastor Trevor