Key Verse(s): John 6:63; John 15:7-10; 1 Thessalonians 1:5a
Memory Verse(s): John 6:63
Key Points & Principles:
1. Jesus desires we live an abundant life that produces much fruit.
2. The devil desires you to live religiously without the life of Christ in you resulting into bitterness, burnout, or pride.
3. God’s LOGOS-WORD communicates His universal written Word which speaks to all people. The Logos-Word was also personified in His Son Jesus Christ.
4. God’s RHEMA-WORD communicates His specific-relational-powerful Word just for you. Jesus used the Father’s Rhema-Word as a means to battle against the temptations from the devil. God’s Rhema-Word directs us, guides us, helps us battle against the schemes of the devil.
Abiding in the Word & Growing in the Way
How did God speak specifically to you today? How might the devil and his dark principalities be robbing you abide time with Jesus? What steps could you take to be more intentional to be with Jesus?
ABIDE TIME! S.M.O.R.P. Psalm 121
-Read Psalm 121 slowly.
-While reading pay attention to any word(s), verses, vision, and thoughts the Holy Spirit may be revealing to you. Write it down and continue working through S.M.O.R.P. (see “Church Renewal” on our website for more information).
God Bless!