I. Introduction
a) Is God Personally Present in our Worship?
b) How Do We Draw Deeper into His Holy Presence?
II. Deeper into God’s Presence – Old Covenant
a) Voluntary Consecration Presenting Oneself before God (Burnt Offering)
b) Offering Transformed into Smoke and Enters into the Sacred Realm of God (Pleasing Aroma)
c) God Accepts the Faithful Offering Approving the Worshipper to Draw Close
d) Worshippers respond with a Gift of Thanksgiving (Grain Offering)
III. Deeper into God’s Presence – New Covenant
a) Christ’s Consecrated Life & Death is a Pleasing Sacrifice to God (Eph. 5:2)
b) Christ brings His Church into the Sacred Realms of God (Heb. 12:22-24)
c) Church Lives a Consecrated Life Holy & Pleasing to God (Rom. 12:1-2)
d) Church Responds with a Heart of Service in Thanksgiving (Col. 3:15-17)
IV. Conclusion
a) Worshipping God is Costly
b) Worshipping God Requires a Heart of Faith
c) Worshipping God Transforms Your Life Abiding in His Presence
Growing Deeper in Reflection & Application
1. In what ways did God speak directly to you through today’s message?
2. When people think of holiness, what often comes to mind? Does a good moral person make him/her a holy person? Why or Why Not?
3. What is holding you back from fully dedicating your life to God?
4. How will you live your Christian life in ways that reveal a servant-heart of thanksgiving towards God?
5. Spend time additional time once again reflecting upon Romans 12:1-2. Ask God what faithful steps of obedience you may need to take to be a living sacrifice holy and pleasing before His presence.
Always learning in His grace,
Pastor Trevor