“Loved to Love” - Rev. T. Crowe
Key Verse(s): 1 John 4:1-12
Memory Verse(s): John 3:16; Romans 5:8
Key Points & Principles
- “Spirit of Truth” reveals God’s love (manifested visibly in Christ).
- God is LOVE who is the source and definition of love (obedience, faithfulness, sacrifice).
- God’s love is RELATIONAL revealed in Jesus’s life in order to RECONCILE you with Himself for all eternity.
- Those born of the Holy Spirit (God’s children) become carriers of God’s visible heart to others.
Abiding in the Word & Growing the Way
1. How did God speak specifically to you today?
2. How is God’s love different from the world’s definition of love? What are the implications for Christians (born of His Spirit)?
3. When you feel God is distant, what will help remind you or assure you of God’s love?
4. From today’s message what steps will you take to make God’s love more visible for others to know and receive?
God bless you!