Key Verse(s): Gen 2:2-3; Ex 20:8-11; Dt. 5:12-15; Mt 12:8; Mk 2:27; Rom. 14:5-6a
Memory Verse(s): Matthew 11:28
Key Points & Principles:
1. God pattern a unique day of rest in the rhythm of creation which He would bless and make holy.
2. God expanded His reasons for the Sabbath day of rest – to remember Him as the Creator of all, and, to remember His redemption allowing rest and worship.
3. Jesus revealed the true application for the Sabbath by liberating the oppressed bringing them closer to God. This is to be a joyful and blessed day but turned into a day of bondage by religious leaders).
Abiding in the Word & Growing in the Way
How did God speak specifically to you today? What makes being still and resting with Jesus difficult? What is the Enemy's goal? What is God’s desire when you rest in Him?
R. weekly rhythm of rest – ask the Lord what this may look like for you (eg. a certain day & time?)
E. what is your exodus – ask the Lord what needs to cease / stop (eg. something different from your common week)
S. sanctify time – take this time to worship/pray/hear from God while remembering to love and serve others which draws them closer to God
T. use this time to grow in trusting God (eg. give thanks for the week, hold to the agreed activities to cease from, find a deeper peace)